Chico Shigeta SHIGETA Founder

チコ シゲタ 『シゲタ』創設者


「もともと植物のものを多く使う家庭に育って、特に母親が自然派の化粧品というものをサロンで取り扱っていたんです。実家は祖母の代から美容サロンで、理容から始めて既に創業80年近い。小さい頃からドラッグストアで買う、子供がおしゃれでかわいいと思うような化粧品がまったく肌に合わなくて、中学の頃に〈WELEDA〉のソープを使うことから始まりました。その時から化学的な成分が肌に合わず、植物の力を信じるようになっていましたね」。そう語るのは〈SHIGETA〉のチコ シゲタさん。彼女の母親は、季節の変わり目などをとても大切にしていたため、自然のサイクルの中に生かされているということが、自分の中にも自然と身に付いていたという。ナチュラルで自然なものに惹かれる理由は、そんな家庭環境にあった。その結果、自然にアロマの世界に惹かれていったのだ。「フランスへは語学と美容、そして自然療法の勉強のために留学しました。その頃出合ったエッセンシャルオイルのパワーに気付き、フランスでもう一度アロマテラピーをやることにしたんです。生活に根付いてちゃんと組み込まれてこそ存在できるアロマを学ぼうと思って」。

Growing up in a nature-oriented family naturally led me into the aromatherapy world

Chico Shigeta, owner of ‘SHIGETA’ said, “I was raised in a family who used natural products all the time. My mother was running a beauty salon, specialized in natural skincare products. It’s been almost 80 years since my grandmother started a barbershop, which has now became my parent’s beauty salon. I barely had a chance to use products with fashionable and cute packaging in my childhood because I had very sensitive skin. In junior high school, I started using Weleda cream. This is when I started to realize the power of natural products, and that chemical products were just not for me.“
Chico’s mother truly valued the seasonal changes and taught her that their lives were closely connected and coexisting with nature’s cycle. Her strong interest in nature and natural products originated in her family’s beliefs, and paved the way toward the world of aromatherapy.
“I went abroad to France to study the language and beauty. That was when I found out the power of essential oils and decided to study aromatherapy; something that could effectively change people’s daily lives".


「生活の中にネイチャーを取り入れていくことがとてもナチュラルで、その経験が全て私の原点です」というチコさん。施術をしてカウンセリングするセラピストとしての活動を行うためにまずフランスで興した会社 、〈SHIGETA〉がスタート。その後オイル等、最初の製品作りがスタートし、さらにスキンケア製品を開発するため外のラボとサンプル作りを始めたが、納得できるものができず、ならば自社のラボと工場を作ってしまおうと、2010年にフランスのサポートを受けて工場兼ラボをオープン。全ての過程を自社工場で行うことにした。「もしそこで問題が起こっても、自社という透明性があれば解決する糸口があります。それに自分たちで全てすることが面白かったし、納得のいくまで物づくりを追求できました」。そんなチコさんが目指す、これからの生活とは。

Producing without compromise from my own factories in france

“Bringing nature into my life fundamentally impacted all my future experiences”.
Chico started her own company in Paris to provide massage and counseling therapy. She then started producing original skincare products.
Chico started with making samples with an external laboratory, but the quality wasn't what Chico had expected. In 2010, she launched her factory and laboratory, with the support of the French Ministry for Research and now the entire process of production is done in her own factory.
“The advantage of owning my own factory is that we can clearly analyse any problems we run into, and seek relentlessly for the best creative solutions until we are fully satisfied with the results. I also enjoy working with my team.” What is Chico’s next objective?



Set your life goals and become an attractive woman through true beauty

“My parents’ house is a beauty salon and many of my mother’s customers come to ask her for life advice. I am in the beauty industry now as well and what interests me most is how I’m going to live my life. My approach to ‘beauty’ is based on how much I can enjoy my life and satisfy myself with beauty. Being active and happy are the most important factor.”
Chico turned 40 this year, and moved to a new house which she also uses as her office. She wanted to make her office more relaxing and comfortable and to have a better control of her work-life balance. “I have tried to stop working too much and to rest and sleep earlier when I get tired. Work is fun and I am to roll-up my sleeves to see the results of my efforts. But to be the woman I aspire, a woman who is attractive, intelligent, funny, and sexy. I can’t just be working the whole time. I wish to always preserve my peace of mind and fullness of heart”.