Sarah Finkbeiner Spokesperson of The Synergy Company /
Holistic health coach
Moab, Utah

サラ・フィンクビーナー The Synergy Company スポークスウーマン/

Food is powerful. It can both heal and hurt us.


ユタ州南東部にあるモアブは、ユタ州のシンボルでもあるデリケートアーチなどを筆頭に、大自然が織り成す巨大な芸術に囲まれたスピリチュアルな街。<The Synergy Company>は、そんなモアブに拠点を構える世界的スーパーフードブランドであり、サラはそこでスポークスウーマン兼へルスコーチとして働いている。「へルスコーチは、真の健康を目指してライフスタイル全体のアドバイスをする仕事。そのなかでも私が一番大事にしているのは食事。食は人を癒すことも、また傷つけることもできるもの。そして食の素晴らしいところは、自分ひとりでその『革命』をはじめられること。その日、その時に自分の身体が欲しているものを与えることで、心と身体はダイナミックな変化をみせる。そのためにも頭で考えるだけではなく、身体の声に耳を傾けることが大切だとも思うわ。また、食事は色と素材の質も大切。赤や緑、茶色など、新鮮で色彩豊かな食材を目と舌で味わっていくことで、栄養はもちろん、美味しさも増すの。」

Moab is a spiritual city in the southern part of Utah, and is surrounded by artistic natural creation of the Mother Earth such as the state's symbol, Delicate Arch. The Synergy Company is a global superfood selling company based in Moab, and Sarah is their spokesperson as well as a health coach.“A health coach is a counselor to individuals or organizations who gives advise on their lifestyle for the wellness of their lives. And my coaching places importance on food the most. Food can both heal and hurt us, but what is so great about food is that you can begin the "revolution" by yourself. The mind and the body shows a drastic change when you give yourself what your body is asking. And in order to do so, you must listen to the voices of your body carefully instead of thinking what feels right on your mind. Also, I think the colors of ingredients of the food plate are important as well. Eating red, green, brown, and other colorful ingredients and enjoying it both with your eyes and tongue gives more flavor to the plate on top of nutrition."

サラにとって、『ORGANIC LIFE』とは「五感で自然との繋がりを感じること」だという。「食で言えば、私は菜園をしているので、土や野菜を触って、匂いを嗅いで、目で見て、舌で味わう。そんなふうに全身で自然のサイクルと調和していくことね。」


For Sarah, "Organic Life" means, "feeling the connection with nature with all five senses." "I have my own vegetable garden, so in terms of food, it starts from touching the soil and vegetables, to smelling, looking at, and tasting the produces. And throughout such experience, I try to accord with the nature's cycle."

When asked about the routines in her everyday life, she comments, "every morning, I wake all senses of my body by drinking a cup of water with a spoon-ful of Pure Synergy. I also take time to face myself through yoga and Qicong, as much as communicating with wonderful people surrounding me. I keep a journal as well. By writing the thoughts and feelings on my mind, I can refresh myself and start another day completely fresh."